Is it likely, to take 24 hours of duty from these men, who are governmed by the CCS rule?
Throughout their entire service life, we have never got the opportunity to caste our vote for the democracy. The lower rank personnel of these forces are neither provided with a trade union nor a platform for them to raise their voice. Is it very likely for CCS?
Innumerable death toll, countless disabilities of these force personnel while combating with the miscreants. Is is very likely for CCS?
Throughout the line of control, frequent bomb shells and firing, from the counterpart are faced by the lower rank personnel of these forces. Is it very likely for CCS?
Throughout the service life, we wear the badge, encrypted- “Duty unto Death” and have experienced many vicissitudes in life. We felt, at every step that, Uncertainty of life is the only Certainty. With the time, at the age of 45 to 50 years, our strength both physical and mental decays, and no longer permits for these hazardous and rigorous service. With a little hope, of living a life in peace, many of our men opts for voluntary retirement and unknowingly, we sank into a “Life in Darkness”?
Even after bearing to much of pain disparity and injustice, if our political leaders and memebers of the Parliament are blind in serving them justice, then is it a “Rashtra” or a “Dhritrashtra”?